Bernstein Mananagement LTd-we steel your money perfectly

Last Updated: Samstag, 11.11.2023By

Bernstein Management Ltd- If you want us to steal your money, do business with us. We guarantee that you will never get your money back.


Bernstein Management Ltd,


On December 13, 2021, BaFin prohibited the public offer of shares in TIKTOK INFORMATIONS TECHNOLOGIES UK LIMITED BERNSTEIN MANAGEMENT LTD due to a violation of Article 3 Paragraph 1 of the EU Prospectus Regulation. Therefore, BERNSTEIN MANAGEMENT LTD is not allowed to offer shares in TIKTOK INFORMATIONS TECHNOLOGIES UK LIMITED for purchase in Germany.

This measure is not yet final. But it is immediately enforceable.

The prohibition was made because BERNSTEIN MANAGEMENT LTD did not publish a prospectus approved by BaFin for the public offering of this security, which contains the information required under Article 6 et seq. Of the EU Prospectus Regulation.

In Germany, securities may in principle – that is, subject to a prospectus exception – not be offered to the public without the publication of a prospectus previously approved by BaFin. As part of such approval, BaFin checks whether the prospectus contains the minimum information required by law and whether its content is understandable and coherent (free of contradictions). However, it does not check the content of the prospectus for accuracy. Likewise, there is neither a verification of the issuer’s seriousness nor a control of the product.

In the event of incorrect or incomplete information in the prospectus, the person responsible for the prospectus may be liable in accordance with sections 9 and 10 of the German Securities Prospectus Act (WpPG). According to Section 14 WpPG, the same applies to providers and issuers of securities if no prospectus has been published in breach of duty.

A violation of the prospectus obligation constitutes an administrative offense according to § 24 Paragraph 3 No. 1 WpPG and can be punished with a fine of up to 5 million euros or 3 percent of the total turnover of the last financial year according to § 24 Paragraph 6 WpPG. Fines of up to twice the economic benefit derived from the infringement can also be imposed.

Please note that investments in securities should only be made on the basis of the required information.

hing is for sure the money you transfer to our company that we stole from you, you will not see a cent of it again – we give you the promise.